УДК: 658.5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-14

Kupalova Halyna,
Doctor of Economic, Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Goncharenko Nataliia,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Dudnik Mariіa,
education seeker, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

JEL classification: M1; О3; Q5

The article designated the Relevance of introducing environmentally friendly technologies into enterprises’ logistics in the context of the European Green Course policy. The research aimed to develop proposals and practical recommendations for improving logistics efficiency by implementing green technologies and optimizing the management of supply chains in trade. The object of the research is the logistics of “SILPO-FOOD” LLC, Ukraine. Calculation, analysis, chronological, generalization, forecasting, expert, observation, monographic surveys, and other methods were used in the research. In political instability, rising inflation, decreasing population demand, and growing competition, the feasibility of introducing modern ecologically oriented technologies for optimizing logistics operations, particularly the Webfleet GPS, in LLC “SILPO-FOOD” is substantiated. Proposed main stages of its implementation: definition of goals and planning; selection and coordination of functions with the supplier; preparation of vehicles, installation, and adjustment of equipment; employee training; system testing; monitoring and optimization of system operation. The main economic results of implementing this system are reducing fuel costs by 15%, maintenance by 28%, and insurance by 5%. In general, using the specified GPS will help reduce the harmful impact on the environment due to the optimization of routes, achieve savings in fuel and lubricants, and ensure better control of the technical condition of vehicles and the environmental friendliness of logistics processes. For further ecological modernization of logistics, it is advisable to focus research on implementing the Digital Twins technology of the supply chain. Its use will contribute to optimizing stocks and routes, better managing product safety and quality, improving customer service, and more accurate forecasting of demand.

Keywords: Ecological modernization, enterprise, trade, logistics, technology, vehicle, expenses, route.


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The article was received 16.12.2023