УДК: 658.16

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-42

Palvashova Hanna
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor,
Odesa National Technological University,
Sedikova Iryna
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Odesa National Technological University,

JEL classification: H12; L25

Business entities faced serious challenges under the conditions of a full-scale war between the russian federation and Ukraine. Suppose previously the focus of the business was profit and cost minimization after February 24, 2022. In that case, the owners and managers of enterprises are responsible for protecting the life and health of their employees, preserving the material and technical infrastructure, and restoring everyday work as soon as possible. In adapting Ukrainian enterprises to the new functioning realities, the problem arises of developing an anti-crisis strategy for developing canning industry enterprises. In the conditions of limited raw resources and their seasonality, the rational and objective selection of development projects, placement, and integration of processing enterprises deserve special attention. This study aims to research the process of forming a diversification strategy as a tool for anti-crisis management of the enterprise. The method of forming a diversification strategy as a tool for anti-crisis management of the enterprise is disclosed. A scheme of the sequence of development of the management decision strategy in the anti-crisis management of the enterprise has been developed. The dynamics of retail prices for fruit and vegetable products were analyzed. The market segmentation of fruit and vegetable products and processed products in Ukraine was developed based on the conducted survey. The factors of the crisis in the fruits and vegetables canning industry have been revealed and systematized. For Odesa Cannery PJSC, the authors proposed management solutions to overcome the problem. In the system of choosing the strategy of anti-crisis management of the enterprise, in addition to the theoretical, methodological, and practical support for making management decisions, the methodological support for the diagnosis of financial and economic indicators (calculation of liquidity and capital adequacy ratios, the ratio of the balance of the structure of liquid assets by the crisis and the degree of its influence) is of great importance, capital liquidity and the degree of its power to increase the objectivity of the assessment of the consequences of a crisis should be paid special attention.

Keywords: diversification strategy, management decisions, diagnosis of financial and economic indicators, anti-crisis management


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The article was received 22.02.2023