УДК: 65.011: 911.375(477):004.67:330
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-26
JEL classification: E22; F01; F02; O00; J00
Processes of accelerated digitization of all spheres of social life are currently the main trend in the development of the global economy, and the rate of penetration and effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in the economy at all levels is a determining factor of its competitiveness and a means of survival, especially in the conditions of modern challenges associated with active military operations, pandemic and forced adaptation to threats and obstacles related to it. It should be outlined that digitalization will be the driving force behind the post-war recovery of the national economy. To ensure the competitiveness of the national digital economy, it is necessary to systematically study the foreign experience of developed countries and the possibility of implementation in Ukraine. Accordingly, the relevance of the study of the foreign experience of digitalization as a modern vector of the development of the digital economy and society in the post-war recovery and its implementation in Ukraine is timely. The purpose of the article is researching the process of foreign experience of digitization as a modern vector of the development of the digital economy and society and its implementation in Ukraine. The foreign experience of digitalization as a modern vector of the development of the digital economy and society and its implementation in Ukraine were studied. The foreign experience of digitization of world countries is analyzed. The main directions of modern US policy in the field of IT sector management are defined. The priority areas of the development of the IT sector, defined in the comprehensive program of ICT development of Canada, are outlined. It was determined that the state regulation of the development of the digital economy in the EU countries is provided by the system of institutions created for this purpose and by cross-cutting legal acts. The foreign experience of digitization as a modern vector of the development of the digital economy and society in Ukraine was studied, which made it possible to single out the main features and directions of the current policy in this area, which are characteristic of all countries with a developed economy at the current stage, namely: comprehensive state support, coordination and institutional ensuring of digital development; development of hard and soft digital infrastructure facilities; financing and subsidizing the field of information and telecommunications to ensure the availability of Internet communication and overcoming digital divides; promoting the reduction of communication, trade and administrative barriers; simplifying access to finances of all business entities and scientific institutions in the field of IT; priority attention to the development of human capital; development and integration of cybercrime prevention measures.
Keywords: digitization, digital economy, development vector, foreign experience, implementation.
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The article was received 05.03.2023