УДК 330.332: 336.717
JEL classification: E 58; G 21
Introduction. One third of the world’s corporate banking revenue will be provided through digital channels. The financial sector is exposed to information technology. Digitization of banks’ activities is the key to increasing their competitiveness and efficiency.
The purpose of the research is to determine the role of the banking environment in the processes of digital transformation, to analyze the current economic, organizational and managerial, institutional aspects of digitalization of the banking system and to justify the feasibility of introducing new financial technologies in banking in the context of global globalization trends.
Results. The article investigates the possibilities for digital transformation of the banking environment in the conditions of development of FinTech-ecosystem. Ukraine’s position on the digital competitiveness rating for the period 2014-2018 has been determined. The importance of digital transformation of the domestic banking system is emphasized. The main factors of banking structures competitiveness are highlighted. A comparative analysis is conducted on the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of new financial market entities. Examples of new participants in the financial market are given, their development prospects are outlined. The characteristic of high-tech start-ups FinTech are given. The status of the domestic payment market is characterized. The main tasks of the National Bank of Ukraine regarding the implementation of the European PSD2 Directive are highlighted. The effects of the international financial messaging standards implementation are outlined. The strategic vectors for banking environment transformation are characterized based on FinTech capabilities. The list and features of joint projects of banks and FinTech companies are given. Changes in the model of interaction between bank and client are characterized. Prospects for banking sector development are outlined.
Conclusions. The instruments of the domestic financial sphere must be adapted to European standards. Meeting the increasing needs of banking services users are provided through the digital and mobile banking, biometrics, artificial intelligence tools and more. Such innovations contribute to the modernization of the banking sector.
Keywords: banking system, banking environment, digital transformation, information technology, FinTech companies.
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The article was received 20.12.2018