УДК 330.117:338.43
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-67
JEL classification: Q10; F52
The article examines digital technologies’ role in ensuring agribusiness entities’ safety and sustainability amid ongoing digital transformation. It focuses on key technological security indicators, including the level of business digitalization and the cybersecurity index, as critical metrics for assessing the robustness of agricultural enterprises in a competitive and rapidly evolving environment. The study emphasizes the transformative potential of technologies such as automated management systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and Big Data in enhancing decision-making processes, mitigating operational risks, and optimizing the use of resources across agricultural value chains. Digitalization offers numerous advantages for agrarian enterprises, including significant improvements in productivity, transparency across supply chains, and reduced risks associated with human errors. Technologies like IoT enable real-time monitoring of critical factors such as soil conditions, crop health, and resource usage, ensuring businesses can respond proactively to emerging challenges. Blockchain technology enhances trust and accountability in supply chains, reducing the risks of fraud and inefficiencies. Meanwhile, Big Data provides valuable insights by analyzing vast datasets, enabling strategic planning and better resource allocation. The article concludes by offering practical recommendations for enhancing safety management systems in agribusiness. These include increasing the adoption of integrated digital platforms, fostering partnerships to share knowledge and resources, and implementing adaptive strategies to build resilience against external shocks. By leveraging the potential of digital technologies, agribusinesses can secure sustainable growth, maintain competitiveness, and contribute to global food security in an increasingly complex world.
Keywords: digital technologies, agribusiness, technological security, digitalization, cybersecurity.
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The article was received 04.10.2023