УДК: 004.9:33.012.1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-27

Pysarevska Hanna,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
Kutsenko Tetyana,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
Martovitskiy Andriy, Student,
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,

JEL classification: O41

The article aims to substantiate current trends and develop directions for the development of modern digital platforms in the economy. The following main tasks were solved in the work to achieve the goal: to determine the peculiarities of the use of digital platforms in the economy, to determine the main problems and advantages of using digital platforms, to determine the main types and functions of digital platforms, to substantiate the main directions of the development of digital technologies. The main types of digital platforms are transactional, innovative, integration, and investment platforms, represented by a holding company that manages a portfolio of digital platforms. Transaction platforms reduce transaction costs between different types of individuals and legal entities when searching for each other. Innovation platforms are a technological lever for developing additional products and services by external innovators. Integration platforms involve the use of their transactional and innovative capabilities. The advantage of using investment platforms is the availability of backup infrastructure and the use of best practices of various brands and directions. The main functions of digital platforms are substantiated, namely attracting users, facilitating interaction, and finding matches. Identified sources of revenue for digital platforms include transaction fees, access fees, advanced access fees, and patronage fees. The main methods of digital marketing as one of the tools of digital platforms are substantiated: marketing in social networks, email marketing, mobile marketing, automatic marketing, search engine optimization, commercial marketing, and content marketing. The main directions of development of digital technologies are proposed, which include the introduction of unified digital standards, which involves the introduction of communication and information technologies with the creation and development of electronic management, as well as increasing the level of basic general digital literacy, the development of digital knowledge and the market; creation of a digital business environment; simplifying access to finance for businesses; formation and development of digital skills of employees, and creation of a supportive culture.

Keywords: digital platforms, transaction platforms, innovative platforms, investment sites, digitalization


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The article was received 29.09.2023