УДК 336.34-08
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-5
JEL classification: L53 ; L86; P42
The article highlights digital management as a modern trend in enterprise development. The study’s authors noted that digital management is based on aspects of society’s modern technical and economic development and modern creative approaches to managing enterprise business processes. The main directions of the development of digital management are outlined. To study the possibility of improving the digital management system at the enterprise, it is recommended that an assessment be carried out using the point method. Attention is focused on the fact that the assessment of digital management should be carried out in the context of management functions: planning, organization, coordination, motivation, and control. The analysis showed that the functions of planning, organization, and coordination of the accounting system of the studied enterprise function better than motivation and control. It is established that digital management is formed based on a knowledge society, information use of components used in the so-called “smart society”. In turn, enterprises’ information and digital development is based on information resources. The importance of information and digital management lies in its emphasis on digitalization, which is determined by specialists’ competence, qualifications, and ability to solve complex computerization problems. It is determined that the main problem of digital management is that it needs to be sufficiently automated and developed to function independently without the participation of managers. In addition, any changes in digitalization algorithms require the involvement of many specialists, making the automation process even more complex than business processes without its participation. A sufficient level of qualification and enough specialists who can solve these problems promptly do not allow you to create perfect software shells for business management. The publication identifies the tasks that need to be solved to create a unified system for automating business processes and the parameters that allow compiling algorithms for the digitalization of business management.
Keywords: digital management, digitalization, information resources, information systems, effect.
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The article was received 02.08.2024