УДК 338.43 : 004. 056

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-21

Candidate of Economics (PhD), associate professor of
of the Department of Management, Poltava State Agrarian Academy

JEL classification: F52; M15


Introduction. The purpose of the article was to develop methodological foundations for assessing and diagnosing the information security of agricultural enterprises.

Methods of research. The tasks of the article were solved by means of general and special methods of research: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization, method of grouping, dialectical approach.

Results. The ways and methods of the information security assessment of the enterprise were defined and characterized. Among them are: standard-based assessment, risk-oriented assessment and economic indicators. Much of the methodology for assessing the level of an enterprise information security, agrarian enterprise in particular, were based on the identification of information risks based on US and British methods CRAMM, FRAP, OCTAVE, NIST, MSAT, COBRA and Russian GRIF 2006 methodology.

Originality. It was proved that for methodological bases development of estimation and diagnostics of enterprise information security level it is expedient to use advantages of estimation methods by standard, at risk of information system and using group and private indicators of economic component of information security estimation.

Practical importance. The concept of the methodology development for economic assessment and information security diagnostics of agri-food enterprises was proposed, which takes into account the advantages of the considered diagnostics and assessment methods of the information security level of agricultural enterprises, offers a quantitative and qualitative assessment of its components, determines the impact of integrated indexes on the performance indicators and safety of subjects agricultural business, and, as a result, offer effective ways to optimize the management of information security companies in agri-food sector. The main scientific provisions of the article can be used in the practice of agricultural enterprises.

Keywords: concept, economic indicators of assessment, enterprise of agro-food sphere, management of information security, methodology, methods of assessment of information security, risk-oriented approach, standard.


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The article was received 25.07.2019