УДК 338.121:338.439.6

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-32

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Business Management Department, 
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

JEL classification: E22; O13


The article discusses current trends, threats, problems and factors in the investment potential development of the agri-food sector of the Black Sea region of Ukraine, the formation of which will promote the achievement of the strategic goals of Ukraine by 2030. The aim of the study is to summarize the practical experience of attracting investments, implementing investment projects, creating a favorable investment climate in the agri-food sector and developing the investment potential of the agricultural sector of the Black Sea region in the conditions of Ukrainian economy transformation. Strategic directions for the investment potential development under the conditions of decentralization of the Ukrainian economy are substantiated to ensure sustainable development of the agri-food sector and food security of the Black Sea region of Ukraine. The practical experience of attracting investments, implementing investment projects, creating a favorable investment climate in the agri-food sector and developing the investment potential of the agri-food sector of the Black Sea region under the conditions of the Ukrainian economy transformation is summarized. One of the main anti-crises measures by which it is possible to solve the problems of the agri-food sector is the implementation of innovations. An innovative investment project for the production of meat, fodder flour and other products from the Black Sea clam Rapana Venosa, developed by the scientists of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, is presented. The influence of the proposed project on the investment potential development of the Black Sea region of Ukraine is substantiated. Implementation of the innovative-investment project proposed by the authors will allow the region to develop the infrastructure of the agro-food market, reduce the agro-ecological imbalances, promote the efficient use of the region’s bioresources, will not damage the ecology, will allow the government to cooperate with large agroholdings, small enterprises and households, attract investment  and advanced technologies, allow the region to enter the international agro-food market, will lead to the rural areas development and improve the living standards of rural residents of the Black Sea region of Ukraine. The factors influence on the investment potential development of the region agro-food sector is substantiated. It is determined how the implementation of the innovation project proposed by the authors will contribute to solving problems of the investment potential development of the agro-food sector.

Key words: agri-food sector, stable development, investment potential, Black Sea region of Ukraine, innovation and investment project, food and processing industry, fodder flour, black sea rye.


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The article was received 19.07.2019