УДК 338.43:005.332.4:004

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-11

Revenko Olena,
Сandidate of Sciences in Economic, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Enterprise Economics and Business Organization Department
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Larina Тetiana,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Economics and Business,
State Biotechnological University,
Ivanova Viktoriya,
Second-Year Student of the Second (Master's) Level of Higher Education in the Field of Business Economics
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

JEL classification: D23; L22

The development of competitive advantages results from achieving high results in agribusiness, which is a reference point for overcoming crises, such as military actions and global environmental challenges. It was found that modern economic processes in the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy are highly complicated due to the intersection of interests of many participants in constructing the export policy and the complex security conditions for its implementation. The main directions for creating competitive advantages for agrarian enterprises in the conditions of post-war recovery are substantiated, and the following are highlighted: modernization and technological progress; product diversification; development of cooperation and agrarian associations; development of human capital; sustainable management of resources; technologization of management and digitization of agribusiness. Their features, advantages, and disadvantages, which are used in practice to form and implement competitive strategies, are studied. It has been proven that the potential of digitization of the business environment in Ukraine is based on opportunities obtained from access to virtual space. It is characterized by increased sales, increased productivity and education of employees, reduction of certain items of cost, and increased business competitiveness. Based on the research results, the competitiveness of an agricultural enterprise in the digital space can also be characterized by its certain potential quality, which includes relevant digital skills. Implementing these qualities can create real advantages for the enterprise over competitors in the form of an increase in its market value, building additional resistance to the adverse effects of the external environment, including attacks by competitors. The considered problematic aspects and prospects of digitalization of agribusiness demonstrate the importance and potential of managing the development of enterprises in this field based on the concept of sustainable competitive advantages considering the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s economy.

Keywords: development of competitive advantages, competitive strategy, agricultural enterprise, marketing tools, business digitalization, innovation.


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The article was received 18.10.2024