УДК: 658: 5.634.635:05
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-43
JEL classification: Q01; Q12; Q15; Q57
Introduction. Modern economic development requires agricultural enterprises to adapt to turbulent conditions in order to increase their efficiency. Simultaneous solution of social and en-vironmental problems, development of social infrastructure in rural settlements allows to create favorable conditions for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship and increase employment.
The purpose of the article is a scientific substantiation of theoretical, methodical and practical principles of development management of enterprises-producers of crops, in particular, high labor-consuming crops.
Results. Substantiation of the formation principles and socio-economic development manage-ment of agricultural enterprises involves creating conditions and using potential opportunities to introduce in the structure of socio-economic system of the motivational mechanism, the basis of which is organizational and managerial component that affects production, financial, innovation, marketing, logistics component, and is focused on increasing the efficiency of agricultural enterprises.
Conclusions. The lack of a clear definition of the socio-economic development concept, the definition of its essence and content with the specification of agricultural enterprises has led to attention to these issues in order to improve and clarify the theoretical and practical provisions of this area. It is proposed to consider the substantive characteristics of socio-economic development management of agricultural enterprises as a systematic, comprehensive, continuous, adaptive and innovative process aimed at creating conditions and using potential opportunities to address interrelated and interdependent economic, social and environmental challenges to achieve long-term competitive advantages in the market of various types of agricultural products, in particular, high labor-consuming crops. Substantiation of the main indicators of functioning and response of agricultural enterprises to changes in the construction of the socio-economic system was carried out taking into account the parameters of economic, social and environmental performance in solving the problems of personnel and product policy.
Keywords: social and economic development, agricultural enterprises, crop production, high labor-consuming crops, management mechanism.
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The article was received 01.07.2020