УДК 65.012.8:658.5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-74

Larina Тetiana,
Doctor of Sciences in Economic, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Economics and Business,
State Biotechnological University,
Uvarov Serhii,
Postgraduate Student,
Livestock Farming National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine,
Panenko Oleksandr,
Postgraduate Student,
Odessa National University of Technology,

JEL classification: M21; O21; Q01

The article is devoted to developing and implementing a monitoring system for threats to the economic security of enterprises. The article aims to analyze and improve the existing theoretical and methodological support for monitoring threats to the economic security of enterprises. The article examines relevant aspects of ensuring the economic security of enterprises in the face of modern challenges caused by financial crises and instability in the socio-economic and political environment. The study presents a systematic approach to identifying and analyzing internal and external factors affecting the resilience of enterprises to threats. A classification of factors and their impact on key elements of economic security, such as financial stability, organizational structure, human resource potential, innovative development, and material and technical base, is provided. It is revealed that the economic security of enterprises largely depends on the combination of internal and external factors and their interaction. The study identified the most critical threats, including high inflation, currency exchange rate instability, reduced profitability, deficiencies in management structures, low levels of digitalization, globalization processes, political instability, social changes, and climate factors, which mainly affect the agricultural sector. The research demonstrates that effective monitoring of threats to economic security is an integral part of managing agribusiness entities. It ensures the stable functioning of enterprises and creates prerequisites for sustainable development in a changing external environment. Timely identification of potential threats and prompt responses contribute to risk minimization, enhanced competitiveness, and the preservation of economic stability. Based on the above, the study substantiates a monitoring system for threats to the economic security of enterprises, which includes several stages: identification, analysis, assessment, and neutralization of potential threats. Compared to existing ones, the proposed system is characterized by cyclicity and adaptability to unstable conditions. Implementing the proposed monitoring system for threats to the economic security of enterprises will enhance their efficiency in unstable environments, ensuring their economic security and sustainable development.

Keywords: enterprise economic security, enterprise operational security, enterprise security threats, threat monitoring system, sustainable enterprise development.


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The article was received 05.08.2024