УДК: 330:338

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-43

Kovtun Mykyta,
Postgraduate Student, Department of Public Administration, Public Governance, and Economic Policy, Simon Kuznets
Kharkiv National University of Economics,

JEL classification: L26; L31

Social entrepreneurship today has become an integral part of the economy, serving as a tool for improving the social climate and addressing ecological issues. Practical experience has shown that the need for more consensus, mutual understanding, and trust among authorities, the entrepreneurial community, and the population is one of the key obstacles to the development of social entrepreneurship. It is an inherent part of the development of all sectors of society’s socio-economic life. It is necessary to assess the impact of factors on the development of public-private partnerships to determine the strategic directions for developing social enterprises. Factor ranking is a procedure for ordering objects by assigning them ranks. After conducting expert surveys, the results are processed, based on which a final decision is made. To summarize the analysis of external and internal factors that hinder the development of public-private partnerships in social entrepreneurship, we will conduct an expert evaluation, which will allow us to identify the most influential and significant ones among those considered. The lower the weight indicator, the more critical the impact. According to experts, the given factor inhibits the development of public-private partnerships in social entrepreneurship. The conducted research allowed the systematization and classification of factors that hinder the growth of public-private partnerships in social entrepreneurship from the influence of the external and internal environment. The essential element is the need for more management experience, professional competencies in implementing social projects, and underdeveloped management practices in public-private partnerships. This is primarily associated with the need for more popularity of social entrepreneurship in the country for a certain period. Furthermore, the country’s limited prevalence of social entrepreneurship is linked to the need for more understanding of conducting such business due to the absence of regulatory documents.

Keywords: social entrepreneurship, public-private partnership, impact factor, professional competencies, factor ranking.


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The article was received 06.03.2023