УДК: 330.4:657.922:303.4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-20
JEL classification: Q01; O11
Introduction. The current state of the external environment, which is determined by the challenges of sustainable economic development, has become an objective basis for the statement: ensuring the successful operation of enterprises (increasing competitiveness and strengthening their potential) is not possible without external factors and rapid response to change, adaptive management mechanisms that can ensure the transition of agro-industrial enterprises to the trajectory of sustainable economic development. Changes in the philosophy of management require appropriate changes in the system of institutions. The institutional logic of development presupposes the existence of continuous institutional formation in systems where innovations take place. Innovations as an element of the essential characteristics of sustainable economic development determine, normatively include the need for changes in the institutional system.
The purpose of the article is to determine on the basis of modeling tools the nature of the impact of institutions on achieving the goals of sustainable economic development of the agro-industrial complex.
Results. The elements of the institutional basis for the implementation of the sustainable economic development paradigm in the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine are identified, with the allocation of blocks and groups of institutions. Based on the use of cognitive and scenario modeling tools, the priority of institutional blocks of the general matrix of institutions to ensure the achievement of the main goals of sustainable economic development in the agro-industrial complex is determined. It is established that the greatest positive impact of all considered and analyzed institutions have on the goal of sustainable economic development of agro-industrial production, as good health and well-being. The lowest indicators relate to the achievement of high parameters of responsible consumption and production, which necessitates adjustments to the institutional matrix in terms of priority institutions aimed at achieving this goal.
Key words: institutes, sustainable development, goals of sustainable development, modeling, development of agro-industrial complex.
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The article was received 18.10.2020