УДК: 341.1.8

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-45

Kotliarov Valerii,
Doctoral Student, National Aviation University

JEL classification: F52; H56

The article is devoted to the problem of information terrorism in the context of the threat to the national security of Ukraine. The author defines regulatory consolidation of information terrorism and outlines the significant gaps in the legislation of Ukraine in regulating this phenomenon. The article analyzes and classifies information terrorism in today’s global cyberspace. The author proposes ways to counteract information terrorism as a factor of destabilization of Ukraine’s national security. This article examines the phenomenon of information terrorism at the modern stage. The most outstanding attention is focused on concepts such as the media- and cyber-terrorism, which are the main components of information terrorism. This article reflects the essence of this phenomenon and the degree of legal regulation and prevention of terror information at both the international and national levels. Also, the recommendations for preventing information terrorism in Ukraine are provided. The article examines the phenomenon of informational terrorism at the current stage. The most tremendous respect is given to such concepts as media cyberterrorism as the central warehouse of informational terrorism. The article shows the essence of this phenomenon. Also, it characterizes the stage of legal regulation and the intimidation of terrorist information both internationally and nationally. Also, recommendations were made on how to prevent information terrorism in Ukraine. Conclusions were made that nowadays, virtual space and mass media are widely used by various terrorist groups to achieve their own goals, as accessibility, lack of censorship, the presence of a vast potential audience of users, the high speed of information dissemination, and the complexity of its presentation and perception contribute to the expansion of information terrorism in the modern world. Modern information security problems are analyzed as part of the state’s national security. The reasons for the unsatisfactory state of information security are determined. Special attention is paid to the legal basis of ensuring information security, prospects for improving legislation, and problems regulating relations in this area. The successful development of Ukraine as a sovereign state is only possible by ensuring its national security. The information security of society and the state is determined by the degree of their protection and, therefore, the resistance of the main spheres of life to dangerous, destabilizing, destructive information actions that oppress the country’s interests. The threat of terrorism using media and cyberspace is a complex challenge of our time. The danger of such terrorism lies in the absence of geographical and national borders, as well as in the difficulty of identifying the identity of the terrorist in the information space and establishing his whereabouts. Therefore, in connection with the further development of technologies and mass media, the issue of combating information terrorism will be particularly relevant.

Keywords: information terrorism, threats, national security, cyberterrorism, legal regulation, regulatory and legal consolidation.


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The article was received 20.02.2023