УДК: 37.018.43
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2021-3-33
JEL classification: D83; M53
The paper considers the problems of innovative technologies in higher and secondary education, namely the introduction of distance technologies in the educational process. It also analyzes the role of distance learning technology in the system of continuing education in Ukraine, the main purpose of which is to improve the quality of education through extensive use of global educational resources and increase the independent development of material that ensures the development of such qualities in students, the ability to really assess their strengths and make informed decisions, without which a successful career is impossible. It is emphasized that the role of the teacher is changing: he is increasingly becoming a coordinator and consultant. That is, a person who, while teaching students, guides them in the direction of independent work, creates conditions for this work, coordinates it and allows students to see their achievements. Innovative changes that have begun in the educational space of Ukraine need further development, in particular in the direction of language education. Teaching modern foreign languages is part of the European Union’s educational policy. Also relevant for today are the implementation of relevant European standards in foreign language teaching in Ukraine. Focusing on the student’s personality, taking into account the modern requirements of life, is a key point in the overall process of modernization of our school. NUS should manage knowledge, not transfer it. It is emphasized in particular that the use of interactive technologies helps to some extent to overcome difficulties and successfully complete the tasks that objectively face the modern school on the way to reforming it. It is with the help of modern methods, forms and means of learning that their balanced use in combination with traditional ones will help to achieve certain educational goals. It is outlined that the Council of Europe Project “Modern Languages” provides for improving the effectiveness of foreign language teaching, in particular through advanced methods and technologies, i.e. the method of enhancing the cognitive activity of students. It is noted that the case should contain a problem that must not only be solved, but also to predict the consequences of the implementation of this solution. Therefore, the case method creates a positive atmosphere of the lesson, promotes the interaction of all students.
Keywords: distance learning, distance education, project method, case method.
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The article was received 12.07.2021