УДК 339.13 : 338.43
JEL classification: L95; O18
Introduction. The low cost of pipeline transportation is a competitive advantage over other types of transportation. The pipeline system plays an important role in ensuring the economic security of the region and Ukrainian favorable geopolitical position through gas transit to Europe.
The purpose of the article is to study the problems of the pipeline system competitiveness of the country regions.
Method (methodology). Methods of comparison, analysis, theoretical study of competitive advantage sources were applied in the process of research.
Results. The role of pipeline transport in Ukraine and Mykolaiv region is considered. The total length of transport routes in Ukraine by type of transport is given. The role of Ukraine in the world capacity of the pipeline transportation system is determined. The total volume analysis of freight turnover of different transport modes in Ukraine is provided. The share of pipeline system in the overall structure of Ukrainian transport is determined. The stakeholders’ interests of the «supply-transit-consumption» chain are considered. The principles of reforming the energy market offered by the EU were found to be incompatible with those in Ukraine and Russia. Strategic solutions for solving this situation are proposed. Recommendations of achieving pipeline system competitiveness in the Nikolaev area are given. The strategy to increase the Ukraine’s pipeline system competitiveness is developed, which includes theoretical foundations of quality regulation, state policy provisions, requirements for improving regulation of service delivery quality, elements of state regulation (financial, economic, administrative, organizational and support programs); ways to improve the competitiveness increasing mechanism of the country pipeline infrastructure.
Conclusions. Priority ways and goals for further development of the region’s pipeline transportation system are: ensuring efficient and effective functioning for the benefit of society and the state; further improvement of the public administration system in this field; organizational, legal and technological integration and harmonization of business entities in the «supply-transit-consumption» chain; further development of pipeline enterprises.
Keywords. pipeline system, pipeline, main, local and internal pipelines, oil and oil products, gas, competitiveness.
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The article was received 10.01.2019