УДК: 338.43:339.92(477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-2-48

Serhii Zasoba
Graduate Student of the Black Sea Research Institute of Economy and Innovation

JEL classification: Q13


Introduction. The agricultural sector is an important strategic sector of the Ukrainian national economy, which ensures food security and food independence of our state. The modern agro-industrial complex is an important sector of Ukraine’s economy. The agricultural sector forms food and, within certain limits, economic, environmental and energy security, ensures the development of technologically related sectors of the national economy and creates socio-economic conditions for rural development.

The purpose of article is a study of the analysis of the current state and prospects of development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine taking into account global changes.

Results. The article describes the current state and features of the development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. The importance of agriculture for the national economy is substantiated. Trends in rural development, employment and unemployment, the impact of internal and external factors on these processes are analyzed. The problems of material and technical, investment and financial support of the agro-industrial complex are revealed. It is determined that the decline in the agro-industrial complex also affects the processing industry. The preconditions for the development of the agricultural sector in Ukraine under the conditions of market formation and ways to solve strategic problems to ensure food security of the country and the competitiveness of the agri-food complex in domestic and foreign markets are highlighted.

Conclusions. It is proposed to continue to improve the mechanisms of co-financing of major economic measures and programs aimed at agricultural development, taking into account the solution of national problems in the formation of a single economic space, living conditions equalization of the rural population. One of the strategic directions of agro-industrial development should be the support of farmers by the state. The agro-industrial complex is able to double the volume of agricultural production. The condition for the effective development in the agro-industrial complex is to ensure its adaptation to changes in the external environment.

Key words: agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, agrarian sector, agriculture, food security, agricultural production.


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The article was received 10.03.2020