УДК: 330.658.012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-26
JEL classification: F52; P12
Nowadays, digitalization has spread its influence on all spheres of society; digital technologies contribute to a new level of global development and are a practical trend. A vital issue in digitalization is ensuring economic security at all levels and creating conditions for entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, business risks in the conditions of digitalization are increasingly uncertain. Therefore, the detection and identification of risks in the process of business activity is one of the most important tasks for ensuring economic security. The purpose of the publication is to reveal and identify modern risks that affect the provision of economic security of enterprises in the conditions of digitalization. The article examines issues related to identifying threats and risks to the economic security of enterprises in the conditions of digitalization and globalization of the economy and their management. The essence of the concept of “economic security” is defined, the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is defined, and the analysis of the impact of digitalization of business on ensuring economic security is determined. It is noted that under the conditions of digitalization, the economic security of the enterprise is affected by various risks; the essence of the concept of “risk” is substantiated, and the considered threats are related to the digital transformation of the enterprise in terms of internal factors of economic security: personnel, technologies, information environment, management, property, finances, as well as the risks caused by these threats and the defined measures for their prevention. The principal risks of economic security in the conditions of digitalization of business are determined, the principles of risk management are considered, and the effectiveness of the risk management system to increase economic security is considered. Digital transformation of the enterprise has a significant potential for economic growth and technological breakthroughs of business entities. It is noted that it is necessary to monitor economic security based on a risk-oriented approach in a timely manner and to model the organizational design for the company’s stakeholders.
Keywords: economic security, globalization, digitalization of business, digital transformation, threats, risks, risk management.
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The article was received 15.10.2023