УДК: 339.9:334.012.82
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-4-37
JEL classification: P47; F15; F21
The article aims to determine the current and promising directions of cooperation with the OECD for Ukraine at the present stage of socio-economic development, including agriculture. The research was carried out using logical analysis, generalization, and systematization methods. The study analyzes the history of Ukraine’s cooperation with the OECD; it was noted that this cooperation is promising for the country in the context of increasing the efficiency of its state administration, reforming the economy and the education system, developing infrastructure and energy efficiency, advancing in the European integration process, etc. The OECD is an essential partner for Ukraine on the way to establishing relations with other international organizations and the state authorities of its member countries. The OECD is crucial for attracting investments and business development in Ukraine (including small and medium-sized enterprises). The study systematizes the main directions of Ukraine’s cooperation with the OECD. The main relevant areas of social and economic development of Ukraine, which can be activated thanks to the collaboration with the OECD, include reforms in the field of regulatory policy and transparency of management; improving the quality of education; development of small and medium enterprises; development of infrastructure and energy efficiency; fight against crime related to corruption; exchange of experience and technologies, development of the agricultural sphere. The problems of cooperation between Ukraine and the OECD include insufficient implementation of OECD recommendations and standards; difficulty implementing reforms for joining the OECD; lack of financial resources; insufficient level of awareness and involvement in OECD activities. Determining and understanding the essence of shortcomings in Ukraine’s cooperation with the OECD makes it possible to eliminate them and increase the effectiveness of collaboration. The practical significance of the research results lies in the fact that they can be laid as a basis for further scientific research and used in the development/formalization of the mechanism of interaction between Ukraine and the OECD in the war and post-war period.
Keywords: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, Ukraine, cooperation, socio-economic development, agriculture.
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The article was received 10.12.2022