УДК: 001.089:658

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2021-1-1

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management,
Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management,
Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
PhD in Economics, Assistant of the Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture

JEL classification: Q13


The article considers the issues devoted to the methodology of scientific research in the field of management and the rationale for their effective implementation. The problems of finding modern criteria for determining the effectiveness of research taking into account the interests of national development in the face of growing challenges of globalization are considered. In particular, the concept of “research efficiency”, which occupies in modern conditions one of the most important characteristics of the quality of work performed has been studied. The properties of the concept «effect of scientific research» are systematized with the selection of the type of research, such as fundamental, applied and experimental, on the basis of a set of systematized scientific, economic and social results. The quantitative expression of productivity of social labor which is reflected through set of indicators of economic efficiency of production is considered. The list of indicators of economic efficiency of production to assess the productivity of social labor are given, which allowed to determine the requirement for assessing the economic efficiency of the enterprise based on the purpose of using the obtained analysis data and the principles of optimal use of indicators. Resource, target and system approaches to determining the effectiveness of activities are identified and analyzed. The description of characteristics of factors and signs of scientific efficiency of GDR with detailing of normative coefficient of significance of factor and definition of coefficient of the reached level depending on the level of scientific efficiency is proposed. The issue of improving the efficiency of activities is one of the main places in the management of the operation and development of enterprises of various forms of ownership and size. From the quality of management decisions depends on their financial stability, the formation of its competitiveness, the ability to function stably in a market environment and opportunities for development.

Keywords: methodology, scientific researches, efficiency, effect, efficiency, management.


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The article was received 24.12.2020