УДК: 339.138

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-4-4

Lepeyko Tetiana
Dr. of Sciences in Economics, professor University of Nikolaus Kopernikus
Daniela Zehetner
Phd student, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

JEL classification: M14; J24

As the new generation of workers has entered the working environment so far, the issue of productive collaboration of different generations rises up becoming more and more crucial. The purpose of this paper is to study the interaction between representatives of different generations, which makes it possible to develop recommendations for establishing interaction between employers and employees. The study defines that one of the key problems of modern companies is the change of generations in the work teams, which in many cases leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the companies’ activities. Thus, main characteristics of four generations were given for better understanding the peculiarities of each one. Social and political events that influences different generations were outlined, which formed the traits of whole generations, in particular, their attitude to work. It was established that in order to build effective relations with personnel belonging to four different generations, employers need to determine the basic needs of employees, their values, taking into account that the employers as a rule belong to elder generations than their employees. To omit misunderstanding, managers should know the needs and wants of their subordinates belonging to younger generation to organize the working process effectively. In the article the strengths and weaknesses of the BB, X, Y and Z generations were considered and highlighted, the main expectations were formulated and recommendations were made on how company managers can better establish communication and effective cooperation with labor teams consisting of representatives of different generations. The attention is paid to Generation Z that has entered the labor market recently because managers should be ready for specific demands of this generation in the working environment and they must realize the specific features of this generation, their motivation to make the company activities more productive at all possible levels.

Keywords: theory of generations, diversity of generations in the workplace, interaction of generations, labor market


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The article was received 22.11.2022