УДК: 005.21.351.77(477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-33

Oleksandr Rogachevskyi
PhD in Medicine, Acting Head of the Training and Production Center of Innovative Technologies in Education, Informatization and Continuing Education, Odesa National Medical University

JEL classification: I10; I15


Introduction. The use of strategic tools to manage the health sector is currently an urgent problem for Ukraine. Foresight technology aims to democratize the processes of socio-economic regulation and management in the national environment of the country, which provides a social function in the health sector.

The purpose of the article is to propose a conceptual model for providing a foresight methodology in the strategic development of the national health care sector.

Results. The analysis of the factors influencing the foresight methodology for the healthcare sector, in the structure of which endogenous and exogenous factors occupy a special place. The model for providing the foresight methodology in the strategic development of the national health care sector was proposed. The scenarios used in the foresight methodology should show the possible alternative changes in the relevant environment of the national health care sector and their impact on the prospects of strategic development of the medical sector, as well as the reverse impact of medical technology on the industry. It should be emphasized that the scenarios effectively complement the results of SWOT-analysis, brainstorming, patent analysis, cross-interaction research, etc., as the structured system of methodical tools of the foresight methodology is constantly changing. The system of methods used in foresight methodology is analyzed. The application of foresight technology for the analysis of scenarios for further development of the Covid-19 pandemic is analyzed.

Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it is proved that in the conditions of transparent transformations of the national healthcare sector, the application of the foresight methodology will allow to raise to a new level measures to create a modern model of medical facilities in the country, providing quality medical services to citizens of the country. The application of the foresight methodology in the strategic development of the country’s healthcare sector will provide a visualization of the probable trend of development of the medical sphere and its components, through the socio-economic and innovation-technological component.

Keywords: healthcare, strategic management, strategy, healthcare industry, foresight.


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The article was received 24.07.2020