УДК: 378.147
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-39
JEL classification: I23; O14; L50
The integration of Ukraine into the European educational space has led to significant changes in the education development strategy. Among the main ones is the introduction of a dual form of education. The country’s government has taken specific steps to implement a double form of education under the influence of global challenges (the coronavirus pandemic, Russia’s war against Ukraine, destruction, and damage to significant infrastructure). Also, the conditions for using technologies to implement the fourth industrial revolution led to a change in the formation of skills and competencies included in the conceptual components of the dual form of acquiring professional competencies in the higher education system. In the conditions of the war and the post-war reconstruction of the economy of Ukraine, the double form of education will solve several problems: facilitating relocation and business recovery, reducing unemployment, and reducing state funding for specialties unnecessary for employers. Accordingly, the formation of conceptual components of the dual form of acquiring professional competencies in the system of higher education in the conditions of the implementation of the fourth industrial revolution is quite relevant. The purpose of the article is to form and analyze the conceptual components of the dual form of acquiring professional competencies in the system of higher education using implementation technologies in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution. An analysis of adopting a dual form of education in Ukraine was carried out. It was determined that, despite military operations in most of the territory of Ukraine, the provision of the educational process for students of dual education was not interrupted, using various elements of distance education. The analysis showed a reduction in dual education recipients after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine. So, the number of education seekers who studied under the DFZO from 2021/2022 until 24.02.2022 was 681. After the invasion, 506 people, the decrease was by 175 people. The analysis showed that by February 24, 2022, the most significant number of applicants for dual education is in institutions of higher education – 85.9%, in institutions of professional pre-higher education – 14.10%. In terms of levels, the most significant number of applicants by educational level is junior bachelor (junior specialist) – 96 people (14.10%), bachelor – 348 people (51.10%), master’s degree – 238 people (34.95%). It has been proven that the unemployed population increases in war conditions and the national economy’s stagnation. The negative thing is that in some professions, there is a total shortage of vacancies, the number of unemployed is 2-5 times higher than the number of vacancies. It is proposed to create road maps, strategies, and plans for forming and adapting conceptual components of the dual form of acquiring professional competencies in the higher education system using the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution. The importance of cooperation between public authorities, educational institutions, and employers in forming conceptual components of the dual form of acquiring professional competencies was outlined, which will positively reduce the corresponding unemployment level.
Keywords: dual form of professional competence acquisition, educational process, participants of the educational process, university stakeholders, economic effect, fourth industrial revolution.
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The article was received 06.03.2023