УДК: 629.7"71"(045)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-56
JEL classification: F63
The conceptual foundations of the strategic development of air transport are defined based on a comprehensive synthesis of modern scientific works, a study of the evolution of the aviation industry, an analysis of trends in the global air transport services market, and a search for the most effective ways of strategic development and optimization of interaction between the two critical subjective components of the industry – airlines and airports, in order to maximize their combined potential and increase the indicators of industry development in the face of global challenges. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical foundations of strategic development, a set of paradigms that form the theoretical and methodological basis for the study of strategic development of the air transport industry has been identified and scientifically substantiated. The analysis of methodological foundations allowed us to define a set of paradigms that form the methodological basis for the study of strategic development of the air transport industry: the concept of technogenic society, intellectual culture, the concept of global information society, the concept of globalization and network society; axiological approach. The article substantiates the growing role and importance of air transport in the global world despite the development of other types of communications. After all, air transport, combined with other modes of transport and communication channels, plays a significant role in the development of civilization, influencing demographic, migration, economic, political, scientific, technical, and other processes, and spheres of human activity. The development of aviation has led to the establishment of communications between different parts of the world, different cultures, and local communities, which in turn has become a catalyst for the development of aviation itself. Conclusions are drawn about the insufficient coverage of the socio-economic vector of air transport development in the global environment and the expediency of considering the conceptual issues of air transport industry development in the context of global challenges.
Keywords: air transport industry, strategic development, global challenges, methodological principles, theoretical and methodological framework economic factors.
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The article was received 02.20.2023