УДК: 338.436:631.115(477): 338.1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-1

Didukh Serhii
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Economics, Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies (Odesa, Ukraine)

JEL classification: Q01


Introduction. Agro-food holdings have a leading role in ensuring the country’s food security, increasing exports, and introducing innovative technologies.

The urgent scientific task is to develop tools to improve existing strategies for the development of agro-food holdings in order to ensure the inclusive development of agro-food in the interests of the country and its citizens.

The purpose of the article is to develop the concept model features of inclusive development of agro-food holdings in modern conditions.

Results. The stages and reasons for the formation of Ukrainian agricultural holdings are shown, their role in the development of the agricultural sector is determined: they account for more than 40% of exports of certain crops that show the highest yields among other competitors.

The current state of agro-food holdings is analyzed and the existence of objective reasons for the transformation of their development model is indicated: exhaustion of extensive growth reserves, staff shortages, the need to move to quality growth, the need to ensure equal opportunities for all agricultural market participants. The solution of these problems is possible under the condition of introduction of inclusive model of development. The conceptual model of the system of inclusive development of the agro-food sphere on four components is offered: financial inclusiveness, technological inclusiveness, resource inclusiveness and inclusiveness of human capital. The reasons for the emergence of financial and technological barriers in the agro-food sector are indicated. The importance of continuing the policy of decentralization as an element of increasing the inclusiveness of the agro-food sector was emphasized.

Conclusions. According to the results of the study, the essence of the concept of “agro-food holding” and discussion aspects of their further development are determined. The structural model of the system of inclusive development with the definition of the strategic purpose on each component, and key directions of introduction of the system of inclusive development on them is offered.

Keywords: agro-food holding, inclusive development, system of inclusive development, agro-food sphere, structural model of inclusive development of agro-food sphere.


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The article was received 10.10.2020