УДК: 637.1:65.016

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-11

Potyshnyak Olena,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy
of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine,

JEL classification: E44, G38, Q13, Q14

The article’s purpose is a theoretical justification of the place of the financial component in the system of ensuring the economic development of milk processing enterprises. The scientific article is devoted to studying the financial component of the economic development of milk processing enterprises and the study of financial instruments and strategies that contribute to increasing their efficiency and sustainability. The research method is the determination of factors affecting the financial stability of milk processing enterprises and the development of recommendations for optimizing financial management. As a component of economic development, financial resources are significant for enterprises, as this is the amount of their own, borrowed, and borrowed resources, the effective use of which determines a stable financial condition: solvency, financial stability, and liquidity. The dependence of milk processing enterprises on market factors, such as prices for raw materials and products, consumer demand, and competition, has been established, so financial results are determined by the ability to adapt to changes in the market. It is noted that milk processing enterprises have prospects for development in growing demand for dairy products. However, their successful functioning largely depends on financial planning and effective use of resources. Therefore, financial stability is essential to the successful functioning of milk processing enterprises. Investments in modern equipment and technologies also play a vital role in developing dairy enterprises, thanks to which enterprises increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve product quality. The structure of financial resources of milk processing enterprises is considered, and the factors determining the formation and functioning of financial support in conditions of instability and market changes are determined. In this regard, complexity and systematicity are leading characteristics of financial potential. It is noted that effective financial management, which includes operational accounting, budget planning, cost control, and rational use of resources, is an essential component of the development of milk processing enterprises.

Keywords: enterprise, economic development, dairy industry, financial resources, development potential.


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The article was received 16.12.2023