УДК: 338.43:339.137.2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2021-1-16

Iryna Baneva
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Business Organization, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University

JEL classification: Q18


Introduction. In a market economy of competitiveness as an economic category, considerable attention is paid to scientists, which allows us to consider it a widely used concept in economic theory and an important problem in the practice of doing business. The algorithm of studying the competitiveness of an agricultural enterprise is generally accepted.

The purpose of this article is improvement of methodological support for assessing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises on the basis of mobilization of internal resources.

Results. The classification of mobilization of internal resources of agrarian enterprises in four directions is offered: mobilization of results of production activity, mobilization of resource security, mobilization of efficiency of resources used, mobilization of a financial condition. A five-factor model of power regression is constructed, where the resulting sign of competitiveness is the average annual sales of agricultural products of one agricultural enterprise, and factor such as average annual internal resources of one agricultural enterprise as value added of agricultural production, number of employees, material consumption and material consumption profitability of operating activities. The obtained results confirm the accuracy, reliability and statistical significance of the proposed methodological support for assessing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises based on the mobilization of internal resources and will be used in further research by the author.

Conclusions. During the implementation of the methodological approach to assessing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises based on the mobilization of internal resources, the following results will be obtained. The stages of economic and mathematical modeling of the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises are based on the mobilization of internal resources. The composition and structure of mobilization of internal resources of agricultural enterprises are proposed. The significant five-factor model of power multiple regression is constructed.

Key words: competitiveness, economic-mathematical modeling, correlation-regression analysis, average annual volume, resource, mobilization, agricultural enterprise.


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The article was received 14.01.2021