УДК: [330.34:332.3]:001.5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-58

Hutorov Andrii,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of Organization Management and Public Administration Department, NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics”
Pugachov Mykola,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of the NAAS of Ukraine,
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs,
NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics”

JEL classification: Q18; Q56

We have theoretically shown that the World is becoming more complex and turbulent every day. New risks, threats, and shocks are constantly emerging to ensure the normal functioning of agroeconomic systems and the survival of farmers and people in general. It has been determined that the modern paradigm has formed a theory of resilience intended to provide methodological support for ensuring the robustness and shock resistance of all social, economic, biological, and ecological systems in the face of rapid environmental shifts, unpredictability, and instability. At the same time, coherence should ensure systemic integration and subordination to the overall purpose of the organization’s existence and sustainable development goals. The article aims to study and systematize the theoretical and methodological framework for the coherent resilience of agroeconomic systems. The authors consider the resilience of farms to be the ability of such enterprises to effectively adapt, restore, and develop in the face of various endogenous and exogenous shocks, including climate change, market fluctuations, technological changes, socio-economic transformations, natural and artificial disasters, and military threats. Essential elements of the resilience of an agricultural enterprise are the flexibility of management decisions, diversification of products and markets, ecosystem sustainability, ensuring the welfare of owners, employees, and landlords, the rural community in which it operates, and the ability to form core competencies. It has been substantiated that the coherent resilience of agrarian and economic systems is an integrated approach to the sustainability of their development when various stability factors (economic, environmental, social, etc.) are coordinated, synergistic, and emergent. This approach is critical in risk management, planning for the sustainable development of agricultural enterprises or specific industries, and crisis management. It requires integration and coordination between different sectors and levels of control and active stakeholder participation.

Keywords: resilience, coherence, sustainable development, agroeconomic system.


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Стаття надійшла до редакції 12.02.2023 р.

The article was received 12.02.2023