УДК 338.24

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor
Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynsky National University
E-mail: kot2813028@gmail.com
Candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor,
associate professor of the department of economic theory and social sciences,
Mykolaiv national agrarian university
E-mail: dovgal@mnau.edu.ua

JEL classification: B 41; C 81; L 25; L 26; M 11


Introduction. Increasing the enterprise competitiveness and enhancing its competitive position in the market is impossible without a carefully developed system of the enterprise competitiveness managing, based on a comprehensive mechanism for realizing its competitive advantages. The importance of competitive analysis is due to the increased level of competition in foreign and domestic markets.

The purpose of the article is to investigate a holistic approach to managing enterprise competitiveness.

Results. The definitions of the «enterprise competitiveness» concept are generalized proposed by the researchers. Own understanding of the studied definition has been presented as the ability to produce and sell products at a price not higher and in quality not worse than counterparties in their market niche. The priority measures of enterprise competitiveness increasing have been defined. Priority principles of enterprise competitiveness management are given: unity, scientific complexity, continuity, optimality, efficiency, integrity and constructiveness. The components of the enterprise competitiveness nave been distinguished, which include social-labor, technical and technological support, as well as ensuring the appropriate level of competitiveness of products. A holistic approach is proposed in the researching course the process of enterprise competitiveness management. The essence of a holistic approach is to understand the relationship between actors as a system where each component affects the effectiveness of the entire chain. The essence of the «system» concept and its properties as a whole are considered.

Conclusions. The advantages of the proposed holistic approach to enterprise competitiveness management are the opportunity to fully manage the enterprise’s potential and justify the strategy for further development. Using the proposed approach will ensure the functioning of economic entities as a system based on the principles of balance, which are an indicator of synergistic effect.

Keywords: enterprise; competitiveness; holistic approach; management; system.


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The article was received 03.01.2019