УДК: 332.8(477)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-2-38
JEL classification: M 11, R 31, R 58
The article deepens the theoretical foundations of building an organizational and economic mechanism for the development of rural construction. The essence of the organizational and economic mechanism, structure, and the place of economic and organizational tools are determined. The essence of economic tools is analyzed, and the main features of the organizational and economic mechanisms used to develop rural housing construction are determined. For the development of the organizational and economic mechanism, groups of tools were defined that provide the organizational and economic components of the construction orientation. Such groups include organizational tools that are divided into administrative, legal, and legislative. Economic tools also have adverse effects, namely, tools of motivation, responsibility, and support tools. As for the organizational component, when implementing the organizational and economic mechanism at the state level, the organizational component is provided by the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and agencies, the executive power, regional authorities, and local self-government bodies. It has been established that the housing conditions of the population of Ukraine are changing due to socio-economic problems and instability factors that currently exist in Ukraine. The main directions of economic and organizational measures, which must be implemented based on the active use of relevant tools available to state authorities and local self-government bodies, are specified in order to develop housing construction in the long term. It was determined that in the implementation of the state policy of construction in rural areas, it is essential to use the market instruments by the executive authorities of the state within the framework of separate powers and management functions, which are implemented in the system of providing housing to rural residents through conditions and incentives. The organizational and economic mechanism is an integral element of the functioning of all economic objects and components of the national economy.
Keywords: organizational and economic mechanism, housing stock, economic tools, rural areas, housing construction, construction enterprises, construction industry, economic recovery.
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The article was received 15.03.2024