УДК: 658.012: 339.13
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-32
JEL classification: H54
The article focuses on the aspects of branding in the context of the influence of modern trends in innovation processes and sustainable development goals. The modern transformations of innovation processes under the influence of “closed” (traditional approach) and “open” (new approach) strategies for generating new products and the corresponding process of their branding are studied. The author pays attention to environmental branding as a new and effective method of market positioning through the positioning of the environmental properties of a product, which reduces (softens) the negative impact of production and operation on the environment by promoting products that meet environmental standards. It is established that modern approaches to branding require a comprehensive approach to brand formation as a mental construct and as a social “contract”. Today, the effect of marketing brain print (“brain print”) is gaining more and more recognition, which requires a focus on branding strategies on the profound sociological, psychological, and cultural impact on the consumer. It has been established that its implementation today is successfully realized thanks to artificial intelligence. Also, its popularization is noted in sustainable marketing approaches, especially as a driving force of modern culture in terms of brand involvement in the target audience of supporters of climate and environmental issues of modern economic development. It is established that the task of emphasizing the environmental properties of products and their corresponding competitive positioning is currently solved by a fundamentally new type of branding called “environmental branding” (eco-branding), which is an activity aimed at creating and introducing an environmentally friendly brand to the market with the help of marketing tools, managing the technology of promotion and advertising support of the brand with an emphasis on the environmental qualities of the product, the basis of which is the formation of a favorable image of the advertised product among consumers. Therefore, the paper describes the aspects of branding related to the process of generating open innovations as the circulation of targeted knowledge flows in the internal and external environment of enterprises, which, on the one hand, allows for more effective socialization of the concept of innovative products and, at the same time, a priori increases the potential level of positive brand perception. At the same time, it is shown (proved) that the increase in the efficiency of economic processes under the influence of consumer activation by such branding is explained by the interaction of triangulation of three determinants: innovation, environmental friendliness, and socialization. It is concluded that a modern innovative environmental brand in the above-mentioned modern conditions is also a conductor of sustainable innovations since, firstly, it popularizes the principles of creating sustainable products through the power of the brand; secondly, the brand ensures that the diffusion and perception of sustainable innovations by consumers is enhanced; thirdly, it ensures the strategic development of the enterprise’s mission in new iterations of the future economy and consolidates the company’s image as a leading and responsible company.
Keywords: innovative development, sustainable marketing, brand, branding, marketing brainprint, brand management.
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The article was received 25.12.2023