УДК 332.1:352/353:336.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-63
JEL classification: O16, R12, R58
This article investigates the financial-economic potential of the territorial communities in the Zakarpattia region through the analysis of budget indicators, which is particularly relevant in the context of martial law. A system of eight key indicators has been proposed, comprehensively characterizing communities’ financial and economic capacity to perform local self-government functions adequately. Based on calculations for the communities in the region, patterns and peculiarities in the development of communities with high and low indicators have been identified. The analysis that was conducted facilitates the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of each community, which can serve as a basis for further strategic planning, the optimization of budgetary decisions, and the setting of development priorities at the local and regional levels. The dynamics of own revenues and tax receipts have been analyzed, as well as the impact of inter-budgetary transfers on the financial capacity of communities. The value of an integrated approach to analysis has been emphasized, which includes assessing various aspects of economic and social potential, such as land revenue efficiency, resource utilization effectiveness, and community investment attractiveness. The impact of available resources and geographical conditions on the economic indicators of communities has been discussed, indicating the necessity for developing specific development programs for each territory. The importance of adapting budgetary policy to current challenges, including military actions, which require flexibility in management and response to unforeseen circumstances, has been underscored. Systematic analysis of budget indicators has been proven to create a foundation for more effective resource management, enhance financial transparency, and ensure stable community development. The need for further research into engaging communities in interaction and cooperation processes with the government and international organizations to enhance the efficiency of local resource use and improve the population’s living conditions has been highlighted.
Keywords: potential of territorial communities, financial capability, local self-governance, financial analysis, local budget, funding effectiveness, community development.
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The article was received 15.08.2024