УДК: 338.43:637.5.71(477)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-3-18
JEL classification: O13; Q13
Assessment of competitiveness in the formation of demand for products of snail and fish farms forms information for making strategic decisions. It helps owners and managers of snail and fish farms to find their positions in the agricultural market, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make informed choices regarding production strategies, allocation of resources in the livestock industry, and orientation to sales markets. It has been proven that this analysis contributes to the achievement of set goals, the formation of business plans, and the implementation of strategies to increase the level of competitiveness indicators. By identifying areas where efficiency can be improved, such as feed conversion, fish hatchery management, and broodstock management, an informed decision on resource allocation and investment can be made for the farm. Such optimization reduces costs and increases productivity and the overall efficiency of a snail or fish farm. It was concluded that increasing the viability and achieving a positive level for the indicators of the competitiveness of the agricultural sector and agricultural producers is again defined as one of the strategic goals of the EU SAP in the new program period of 2021-2027. The assessment of the competitiveness of farms in the production of livestock products is the basis for optimizing resources, positioning the economic entity on the agricultural market, managing risks, implementing technologies, complying with policies, and industry benchmarking. The study was conducted to clarify understanding of the competitiveness of snail or fish farms, how to assess competitiveness in agriculture, to determine the absolute and comparative competitiveness of different types of farms, including snail and fish farms, which factors are decisive for increasing competitiveness at the current stage of development. This provides grounds to increase their business efficiency, profitability, and sustainability, ensuring long-term success and competitiveness when entering domestic and foreign markets.
Keywords: market, import, export, demand, supply, animal husbandry, snail farming, regulation, industry, competitiveness, snail, products, organic aquaculture, fish farming, fish, trade.
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The article was received 18.07.2023