УДК 331.101.262:005.52]:334.722.2(477.64)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-2-64
JEL classification: E24; J24
An analysis of the change in the number of Ukrainians from 1990 to the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war and during the war, which negatively affected the formation of human capital of domestic enterprises, is carried out. The work examines and defines the essence of the «human capital of an enterprise» concept and defines this economic category. It has been established that human capital is an employee’s abilities that allow him to bring the most effective results in the economic activity of the enterprise (organization) in which he works. The effectiveness of using human capital at «DOBRA КHATA» TC LLC was investigated, and an assessment of human capital provision at this enterprise was provided. The structure, dynamics, and movement of the human capital of the enterprise LLC TC “DOBRA KHATA” are analyzed, and the relationship with the change in the population of Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian war is determined. It was established that despite the situation in the country and the lost potential, the enterprise continues to function and encourages its workers to cooperate. Yes, the enterprise uses very active methods of corporate culture, which only improve yearly. Ways to improve human capital efficiency used at«DOBRA КHATA» TC LLC have been identified. These included the guaranteed professional growth of employees who underwent training and retraining, the system of training and retraining of personnel at the expense of the state and enterprises, the creation of such an atmosphere at the enterprise that would help to interest employees in increasing labor productivity indicators, and constant assessment and analysis of the outflow of human capital and what exactly contributed to this, as well as efforts to eliminate these causes and prevent them from appearing in the future. The expediency of developing and implementing measures to increase human capital to increase labor productivity and achieve high results in enterprise development is substantiated.
Keywords: human capital, enterprise, development, assessment, indicators.
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The article was received 12.03.2024