УДК: 338.49.009.12:656.71(100)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-44

PHEI «University of Modern Technologies»
ORCID: 0000-0002-3130-8425

JEL classification: L93


The article considers the possible ways of improving approaches to managing the development of airport infrastructure. The orientation of modern airports towards maximizing the benefits from their airport activities by realizing their market potential was identified. The dual nature of the airport business, which is aimed at obtaining a certain level of income, and also contributes to the achievement of a number of infrastructural tasks at the regional and state levels, has been determined. It is emphasized that the specifics of airport activity presuppose the availability of a limited volume of liquid assets that can be used to ensure obtaining credit resources of the required volume. It has been established that the ownership of rights to airport assets by different owners, the relationships between which are often quite complex and require a long time to make important management decisions, especially in the field of infrastructural development, complicates the development of airport activities. The need to increase state participation in the development of air transport by ensuring the provision of guarantees when concluding investment agreements of various levels by airports of regional and state importance is argued. The advantages of using a public-private partnership to achieve the single ultimate goal of the airport’s activity, which consists of improving the quality of asset management and maximizing the level of realization of its market potential, are outlined. The main advantages of the concession agreement in the airport business, which allow to achieve the satisfaction of the interests of all interested stakeholders are considered. The necessity of concluding several independent concession agreements in view of the high degree of diversification of airport services is substantiated. The possible reasons for the unattractiveness of the airport infrastructure for investors have been established. It was recommended to consider the possibilities of making investments in the field of construction and operation of roads and railways in order to increase the investment attractiveness of airports.

Keywords: airport, infrastructure, market potential, public-private partnership, investment, development, stakeholders, competitive advantages.


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The article was received 18.04.2022