УДК: 005.73
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-23
JEL classification: M14; E22; P47
The emergence of the Internet, the generation of millennials, and the publicity of everyday life in social networks have played a role in changes in organizational culture. The world became a single information space, and business followed the same path. Organizational culture has now become one of the critical pillars of the transformation program of most companies. This is because many organizations have realized that to reach the next level of growth, beyond simply focusing on results, they need to develop influential and courageous leaders supported by a culture that aligns with strategic goals. Organizational culture is an integrated complex of worldview axioms, values, and signs shared by most of the organization’s employees, interconnected and hierarchically structured. Each organization identifies itself in the external environment and understands itself and all the events only in the form of ideas of the people who make up this organization. Organizational culture determines practically the entire life of the organization: what motivates people to work, opportunities for corporate development, how the organization is perceived in the external environment, and much more. That is, organizational culture is one of the key factors influencing the effectiveness of the organization’s functioning and development. Managing the company’s corporate culture is especially relevant in today’s unstable, dynamic conditions. Often, organizations must solve problems and tasks related to adaptation to the environment, in fact – the problem of survival, and in this connection, there is a need to mobilize all the resources available in the organization, naturally primarily human. It is only possible to do this with a properly built organizational culture that would meet the organization’s and the market’s needs. Conversely, a corporate culture that does not correspond to the organization’s goals and processes can seriously hinder its development. Organizations must define digital priorities, transform organizational culture using information and communication technologies, and improve the personnel management system.
Keywords: tools, technologies, culture, organization, employees.
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The article was received 01.03.2023