УДК 330.46: 339.138

assistant of the department of entrepreneurship and marketing,
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

JEL classification: M 31


Introduction. It is beneficial for the enterprise to re-cooperate with the contractor. Such interaction is ensured by the interpersonal communication of specialists. The task of the company is to increase the contractors’ loyalty level to the offered products. The most effective way to predict the decisions consequences in the process of such interaction is to use fuzzy set theory.

The purpose is to develop tools for assessing the relationship management system with contractors of oil and gas companies.

Results. The essence of fuzzy production models is described. The formalized generalized appearance of such model is presented. The rules for the simplest fuzzy inference systems are outlined. The stages of fuzzy inference by the Mamdani method are summarized. The expediency of using the triangular membership function for qualitative indicators in this study is substantiated. The algorithm of forming rules for describing variables is characterized. The list of heuristic production rules for describing the input and output variables of the relationship management system estimation with contractors of oil and gas enterprises is given. The description of the input linguistic variables for the fuzzy linguistic rules base formation is presented. The model calculation graph of the relationship management system estimation with the contractors of oil and gas enterprises is constructed. The function graph of the model variables of the relationship management system estimation with the contractors of oil and gas enterprises is presented. Estimates of the relationship management system level with the contractors of individual domestic oil and gas companies have been calculated. A high level of estimation was found among all the surveyed enterprises.

Conclusions. The results obtained, which testify to a sufficiently high level of the relationship management system organization with the contractors of the considered oil and gas companies, should be used in the elaboration of companies strategic development directions as recommendations for determining the cooperation optimal program with partners.

Key words: relationship management system, contractors, fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, oil and gas enterprise.


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The article was received 05.12.2018