УДК: 65.01

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-16

Olha Hryhorivna RYMAR
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Fundamental and Special Disciplines, Novovolynsk Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management of WUNU
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities,
Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
Svitlana Andriivna PAMBUK
PhD in Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

JEL classification: M31


The basis of change management is a purposeful search for innovations to ensure the stability of the organization. Marketing tools are used to search for market niches for traditional, modified or new products; the product portfolio is formed; new market niches open up. The basis of the functioning and development of the enterprise are marketing processes, which with different levels of activity and intensity of the flow are inherent in each business entity. Management of marketing activities is the implementation of a wide range of strategic and tactical measures that should ensure the effectiveness of market activities of the enterprise. The application of the theory and methodology of change management in the process of improving the efficiency of marketing activities necessitates the development of a diagnostic apparatus that allows to identify contradictions that arise during the performance of marketing functions in enterprises. Diagnostics provides the company with methods and tools for determining the signs, criteria of development and factors of its development in order to use the favorable and overcome adverse factors. Elimination of local contradictions does not change the system of marketing activities of the enterprise as a whole, and the elimination of systemic contradictions is aimed at changing goals, strategies, subsequent functional and organizational changes, changing values, both in marketing and business. Presented as diagnostic tools matrix of typical contradictions, as well as a system of indicators for assessing local and systemic contradictions in marketing allow in practice to identify inconsistencies in marketing and business environmental conditions and contribute to the formation of changes in enterprise activity needed to increase efficiency. Marketing, as an integrative function of management, acts as a strategically balancing tool between the enterprise and all involved groups of influence. The key role in the process of any changes is played by consumers, the satisfaction of whose interests allows to increase the market value of enterprises.

Keywords: change management, marketing activity of the enterprise, local and system contradictions in marketing, diagnostics of marketing activity.


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The article was received 15.09.2020