УДК: 342.95

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-1-10

Babachenko Maryna,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»
Golubkova Iryna,
Doctor in Economics, Associate Professor,
National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»,
Lysenko Nataliia S.,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»,
Kucher Inha S.,
Senior Lecturer,
National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»,
Burmaka Larysa,
Senior Lecturer, National University «Odesa Maritime Academy»,

JEL classification: L51; L92

The maritime sector is strategic and extremely important for the national economy. Ukraine has favorable conditions for the development of the maritime industry and a strong potential for the use of seaports. The industry is characterized by a high level of investment attractiveness, significant capacity for handling and transportation of goods, good opportunities to ensure the transit of goods flows and the development of the infrastructure of the coastal areas. All these opportunities have been lost during the last period due to the action of numerous crisis factors, the predominant of which were the factors of the external environment. The study of the set of factors that form threats to the stable development of the maritime industry of Ukraine is carried out in this article. The search for tools capable of leveling the effects of crisis phenomena was conducted here. The key indicators of the current state of development of the maritime industry in Ukraine have been analyzed. The main trends of changes in these indicators have been identified. The main problematic aspects of the development of the domestic maritime industry and seaports in the context of modern realities are systematized. The content of crisis and anti-crisis management, existing methodical paradigms of study and use in practice of anti-crisis management are studied. Based on the systematization of scientific sources, the main categories of crises in the maritime industry were identified. The characteristic features of the main model of seaport management in world practice are analyzed. The study of the methodical toolkit of anti-crisis management made it possible to substantiate the set of appropriate anti-crisis management tools. By their specificity, they can be used in the practice of managing the maritime industry and seaports. Among the most promising tools the following were proposed: use of innovations; creation of an information and analytical system of business diagnostics and risk management in the management system of maritime companies; anti-crisis corporate communications; activation of international cooperation and strengthening of integration ties; creation and use of modern seaport management models; digitization.

Keywords: maritime industry, seaports, management, crisis, tools, risks, threats.


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The article was received 10.01.2023