УДК: 167-2-047.36.631.15./16
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-12
JEL classification: Q1
An effective mechanism for financing the implementation of the production program can be created only if the timely management of compliance with the organization and technology of production, the necessary information used for quality assessment and operational forecasting of this process. For the system analysis of the performance of the production program, it is necessary to use as much as possible various data sources which are formed both at the enterprise and out of it. It is important to process them in a timely and well-thought-out way to identify problematic moments at the very beginning of their origin. This will be facilitated by the system of analytical monitoring as an effective tool for preparing relevant information for the development and adjustment of management decisions related to financing the production program through the receipt of own, borrowed and borrowed funds and their rational use to optimize production processes. It is proved that the adequacy and timeliness of financial resources is a determining factor in the successful implementation of the production program. This is especially important for agricultural production, as all technological processes must be performed in the optimal time. It is very important to ensure self-financing of the production program, as this is a prerequisite for reducing the cost of production and increasing its competitiveness. Only under such conditions can the system of analytical monitoring be considered effective, which provides the high-quality and timely formation of information about the object of observation, and its analytical understanding as a necessary prerequisite for the development and adoption of effective management decisions.
Further research should be aimed at timely receipt of objective information on compliance with the timing and quality of technological processes, which can be obtained using the benefits of digitalization, and justification of the need for financial resources taking into account organizational and legal forms of economic entities, their production direction, specialization production and its diversification, expanding the search for sources of minimum value for its financing.
Keywords: analytical monitoring; financing; agricultural formations; production program; technology; cash flows; synchronization, management decisions.
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The article was received 18.07.2020