УДК: 631.11
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-3-32
JEL classification: O13
The article substantiates the theoretical foundations of the development of agricultural formations and their influence on the development of rural areas. It was determined that the functioning of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of market relations is very complex and long-term in financial and credit terms. Inadequate state support for agriculture, slows down the development of reforms and has little experience of working in market conditions, all this creates negative trends in the development of the country’s agriculture. As a result, there is a reduction in the production of agricultural products and the moral wear and tear of fixed assets. The purpose of the article is to identify positive trends and restraining factors in the development of agricultural formations and their impact on the development of rural areas; identification of positive trends and restraining factors in the development of modern agrarian formations and their further development; development of scientific proposals regarding promising directions and organizational forms of agro-industrial formations that can be successful in the conditions of modern challenges and threats. The significant obstacle to the successful development and functioning of the agricultural sector in Ukraine is the imperfection of normative and legal measures regarding the country’s agrarian policy. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a legislative framework that will be able to protect the interests of agricultural producers by making changes to it. The specificity of the functioning of the organizational and legal mechanisms supporting the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine today is the lack of full financial support for the laws that are being adopted. Non-implementation of adopted laws and other legal acts is already observed, that is, low executive discipline on the part of state authorities. It is substantiated that the priority direction of innovative activity in the agricultural sector is the introduction of the most promising agricultural technologies and, based on them, increasing productivity with the aim of reducing the unit cost of production and strengthening competitiveness on the domestic and global markets. Scientific proposals have been developed regarding promising directions and organizational forms of integrated agro-industrial formations that can be successful in the conditions of modern challenges and threats, as well as satisfy the economic and social interests of their subjects.
Keywords: agricultural formation, innovations, innovative development, competitiveness, financial and credit relations, export.
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The article was received 15.10.2022