УДК: 629.113
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-24
The article considers possible ways of development and improvement of a flat mathematical model of the movement of an articulated two-link road train considering the track and bringing this model to a spatial model that could consider the change in vertical loads and the subsequent change in the lateral deflection forces, which affect the indicators of turning and controllability of the articulated vehicle. This article proposes constructing a spatial mathematical model of a two-link road train considering the vertical component. The authors consider the problems associated with the movement of a two-track train over uneven terrain and height differences that may occur on the track. They consider the gravitational force’s influence on the train’s movement and develop a mathematical model that describes this process. The article presents mathematical equations describing the direction of a two-track train in three-dimensional space. They consider the mass of the train, traction forces, air resistance, gravitational force, and reactions from the ground. The authors use numerical methods to solve these equations and conduct computer simulations to study train motion under various conditions. The results of the study demonstrate that the vertical component significantly impacts the movement of a two-track train. It can affect the train’s speed, energy efficiency, and stability. The authors conclude with the need to consider the vertical component when building mathematical models of double-track road trains. This paper is essential for researchers and engineers developing and designing road trains. Considering the vertical part will help improve the accuracy of mathematical models and increase the efficiency of two-track road trains in actual operating conditions. The obtained results are essential for developing and improving control systems for two-track road trains, particularly in transport, logistics, and mobile robots. The proposed model can be used to optimize the traffic trajectory and improve the efficiency and safety of the operation of road trains in natural conditions. The proposed model is designed for circular stationary and transient modes of movement of an articulated road train with the possibility of conducting a comparative analysis with a full-scale experiment.
Keywords: spatial mathematical model, circular modes, vertical oscillations, articulated train.
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The article was received 06.03.2023