УДК: 528.8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-24
JEL classification: R12
This article is dedicated to analyzing the accuracy of cadastral surveys using uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs). It explores the efficiency and precision of surveys conducted with UAVs in the context of cadastral work. The article examines the methods and technologies used to ensure high accuracy of geospatial data in the cadastral field through UAVs. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies and analyzing research results, the article highlights the possibilities and limitations of UAV applications in cadastral surveys and land mapping tasks. The research findings can benefit geodesy, cartography, and cadastre professionals, as well as developers and operators of uncrewed aerial vehicles. This work investigates a network of phototriangulation conducted using uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs). Network parameters evaluated include the number of images, flight altitude, camera focal length, image size, pixel size, and coverage area. The images were processed using Agisoft Metashape Professional software. The main results of automatic image measurement are provided, including the number of tie points in the network, average ray intersection residuals, and random root mean square errors of ground points. The work shows that the provided accuracy characteristics need to provide more information for a reliable assessment of results. Despite optimistic results, the accuracy distribution may need to be improved for confident cadastral data quality. A modernized software complex for phototriangulation calculation, BlockMSG, was used for a more detailed assessment. It is noted that the calculation results correspond to all initial data of the Agisoft Metashape program but without additional information and analysis of possible errors. The paper also discusses the importance of measurement accuracy and its impact on creating a 3D cadastre. Data on the distribution of linear errors of points are presented, indicating the importance of choosing the number of images to obtain accurate coordinates. The primary focus is the need for a thorough analysis of results and possible error sources to ensure high-quality cadastral data.
Keywords: accuracy, cadastral surveys, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), geodetic methods, geospatial data, analysis.
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The article was received 27.12.2023