УДК: 338

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-1-32

Postgraduate, the Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity
National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1326-0779
Anastasiia SAVCHUK
Candidate of Economics science, Associated Professor of the Department of Journalism and Advertising, State University of Trade and Economics
ORCID: 0000-0002-6960-6452

JEL classification: L73; D81


The principle of clustering the main risk-generating factors by risk groups was studied. Groups of risk-creating factors that have the greatest impact on the activities of enterprises in the forestry complex have been identified. The table of the main groups of foreign economic risks and risk-creating factors of the forestry complex was formed on the basis of the conducted research, which is based on the principle of clustering the main risk-creating factors by groups of risks. Summarized data from the group of external risks related to the economic and competitive environment of the industry makes it possible to form a holistic picture of the entire macroeconomic risk range. These include risks associated with fluctuations in the external market situation (commercial), external financial, innovation and political risks. Political risks, divided into state, regional and international are characterized. External financial risks include the following risk-generating factors: exchange rate fluctuations, inflation, changes in refinancing rates or increases in credit prices, insolvency of counterparties, etc. It is noted that stock risks for forestry enterprises mean changes in the value of their assets or liabilities depending on exchange rate fluctuations. The main risks belonging to the investment group are considered, among them: capital, selective, interest, country, operational, temporary, the risk of legislative changes, liquidity risk, inflation risk. The group of innovation risks includes risks associated with the development by competitors of new, more technological types of products or the use of more modern equipment, which reduces its cost price. The assessment of the risk and the probability of its occurrence at the enterprise of the studied industry was carried out. It is outlined that, in general, the degree of risk is the probability of occurrence of loss, as well as the amount of possible damage from it.

Keywords: risks, innovation risks, financial risks, commercial risks, forest industry, forest industry complex (FIC).


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The article was received 18.01.2022