УДК 631.15: 332.3

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-7

Borys Olehovych YAZLYUK
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Economic Expertise and Land Management, West Ukrainian National University
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Land Resources Management and Cadastre of Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaiev
Andriy BUTOV
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Economic Expertise and Land Management,
West Ukrainian National University

JEL classification: Q15; С13


This article covers the essence of such concepts as “mortgage” and “mortgage lending” in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The main method of creating a national system of mortgage lending is the formation of effective market mechanisms for obtaining long-term financial resources in the financial and credit sphere. On this basis the market of long-term mortgage lending will function with the use of existing market infrastructure and financial instruments that will allow to gradually reduce the cost of mortgage loans to the population and the subjects of economic activity and increase the terms of lending. Mortgage lending in Ukraine has been growing dynamically in recent years, but the share of mortgage loans in the general portfolio of commercial banks is low. It was found that the main factors that influence the development of mortgage relations in our state include: Inadequate legal regulation of mortgage relations, lack of public confidence in commercial banks, low income level of the population, high interest rates, Inflationary processes, exchange rate instability, moratorium on foreclosure on foreign currency mortgages, weak financial condition of small agricultural enterprises, coronocrisis. In dynamics the structure and rates of credits growth granted by banks of Ukraine to households by purpose conjugation, repayment terms and currency breakdown were investigated. Investigation of the factors that influence the development of the mortgage relations system in Ukraine under market conditions allowed us to make scientific and theoretical and practical conclusions: for financial stability in the state it is necessary a well-organized work of all participants of the mortgage market; creation of state guarantees of economic security of citizens will contribute to renewal of trust of population to the bank sector of Ukraine; To make the primary real estate market more transparent and strengthen the protection of investors’ rights; to lift the moratorium on the foreclosure of property with foreign currency mortgage loans; to create conditions for the sale of agricultural land and bank loans against land pledges.

Key words: bank, mortgage credit lending, financial instruments, National Bank of Ukraine, investment resources.


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The article was received 03.11.2020