УДК: 332.122:63

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2021-4-6

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of
Global Economy, State Biotechnological University
Tetiana BABAN
Phd in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of
Global Economy, State Biotechnological University

JEL classification: O18


The article identifies the role of agricultural enterprises, rural communities, and the state in the development of rural areas of Ukraine.

The author gives her vision of the category “rural areas” for this study and summarizes the functions inherent in rural areas. This paper determines the integrated function of rural areas, which is to create a spatial basis for comfortable living, economic activity, preservation, and enhancement of bio- and landscape diversity.

The article analyzes the main indicators of activity of agricultural enterprises, indicators of agricultural development, and socioeconomic indicators of the level and quality of life of rural residents. It is determined that the positive dynamics of agricultural production in Ukraine is not accompanied with a corresponding improvement in living standards of rural residents. It is concluded that it is necessary to modify the role of agricultural enterprises through compliance with the principles of sustainable development while maximizing their target functions.

The paper examines the participation of the state and united territorial communities (UTC) in rural development. It is outlined that in Ukraine support for rural development at the state level is carried out mainly based on a sectoral approach in the presence of elements of a territorial approach. Such elements include the financing of infrastructure projects in rural areas. Decentralization in the country has strengthened the role of UTC in rural development. The paper identifies the advantages and challenges faced by UTC in the process of rural development planning.

The importance of maintaining the advantages of rural areas is substantiated. It is emphasized that the development of rural infrastructure, the improvement of its ecological condition is possible with the common efforts of the state, local governments, and enterprises.

Keywords: rural areas, rurbanization, decentralization, agricultural enterprises, sustainable development.


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The article was received 25.10.2021