УДК: 664.681

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-3-43

Senyk Yurii, PhD in Biological, Doctoral Student, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecology and Health Care, West Ukrainian National University. Head of the Physical and Chemical Laboratory PJSC "Ternopil Milk Factory",

JEL classification: R40; L91; O18

In connection with the globalization of trade activities, the consumer can purchase any food products of different geographical origins regardless of the season, which, on the one hand, is a positive aspect and, on the other hand, complicates the process of ensuring food safety, increasing the probability of movement, delivery of batches of dangerous food products. The paper describes the theoretical foundations of the HACCP system implementation algorithm in butter production. The safety of food products requires the formation of a team of experts from various fields of science and the most excellent experience in the technological process. It is emphasized that the general description of the product, in addition to the technological process and requirements for the safety and quality of the final product, should include storage conditions of the final product, methods of consumption, methods of sale, and transportation conditions. The need to analyze sales markets, consumers, and demand for the final product is indicated. Based on this information, it is necessary to predict the possible use of the product by consumers. The block diagram of the production process was analyzed, which describes all the main stages of the production process. Emphasis is put on checking the flow chart for compliance with the existing production process. It is necessary to make a list of all potential hazards associated with each stage of work (from raw materials to the use of the product by the consumer) and assess their significance, that is, considering the probability of their occurrence and consequences for health. It was emphasized that the verification process is essential for ensuring the effective operation of the HACCP system and production in general. That is why it is necessary to verify all system elements, from hazard analysis, critical limits, and monitoring parameters to corrective actions and verification procedures. Sometimes, due to the complexity of the production process, it is easier to develop different HACCP plans, such as implemented CPC and measures developed for their management. In the case of implementing such a system development, it is essential to ensure proper communication between the various HACCP plans, which will ensure a regulated system.

Keywords: algorithm, HACCP, quality, production, food products.


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The article was received 12.10.2023