УДК: 378.07
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2021-1-19
JEL classification: I23
Introduction. The main instrument of the society political system is the state, which through management mechanisms influences the processes taking place in the education field. Public management of the higher education modernization process is to achieve a managed positive qualitative change in the educational system of Ukraine, which includes a number of essential components: innovative processes management in higher education, their financial and logistical support; the implementation of processes regulation of advanced educational technologies; clearly planned and coordinated management of the modern promising human resources development in the education field.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical and methodological foundations of administrative and strategic management of the educational services system for the successful administrative influence formation of the state on the modernization processes in higher education in Ukraine.
Results. Theoretical approaches to the definition of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of “administrative management of higher education”, “the higher education system strategic management”, “public management of higher education modernization” are studied. The state policy realization features of the higher education domestic system modernization in the direction of its European integration are considered. The structural and functional features of state management of modernization processes in the higher education field are highlighted. The peculiarities of the regulatory framework formation in this area are revealed. The conceptual principles of the process administration of higher education modernization in the context of modernization, European integration, and innovative transformations in the higher education system of Ukraine are studied.
Conclusions. It is proved that the administrative and strategic management of the higher education system leads to the settlement of supply and demand in the educational services market. The directions of the higher education modernization strategy and mechanisms of state management of this process are determined. The appropriate content and forms of public administration of innovative development of the educational sector are
developed. The necessity of applying the experience of EU countries, in particular, Slovakia, in the conceptual foundations’ formation for the management of the higher education modernization process in Ukraine is substantiated. Some problems in higher education institutions need a further urgent solution, in particular: inefficiency of management processes, insufficient logistics, low level of scientific and technical potential, etc.
Keywords: administrative management, strategic management, public administration, education, modernization.
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The article was received 18.01.2021