УДК: 339.137:330.341.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-46
JEL classification: I23
Today, the spread and dominance of the digital economy prioritizes such phenomena as the liberalization of the vast majority of activity areas, individualization of preferences as opposed to standardization, expanding the boundaries of space and time due to the transformation of production into service activities. In the field of new requirements for accreditation of scientific and educational programs, the market of educational services is forcing to acquire qualities that can improve the quality of educational services. Universities face new requirements such as compliance with the licensing conditions that universities must comply with in order to pass the accreditation process. That is why there is a problem of forming an adequate demand for educational services from the citizens of Ukraine, which can be provided only by bringing them promising, truthful information about the expectations of employers and opportunities for providers of educational services. Adapting higher education institutions (HEIs) to changing internal and external conditions is a necessary measure today. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the conditions and trends of adapting free economic zones to the new conditions of providing educational services. Due to the new requirements for the accreditation of HEIs and specialties, we are waiting for new licensing conditions for teachers. Because adhering to the new licensing conditions it is possible to develop in the modern conditions of digital transformation of society. When determining the achievements in the professional activity of a scientific-pedagogical (scientific) worker, achievements at previous jobs may be credited, the five-year term may be extended for a break during work for objective reasons (social leave, conscription / mobilization for military service or military contract service, long-term illness, etc.), and that is all. We hope that the new perspectives for free economic development and the development of their teaching staff will be more adaptive and variable.
Key words: economic efficiency, higher education institutions, educational services, quality of education.
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The article was received 16.01.2020